Tennis Lessons & Tennis Camps

Private Lessons
Suzanne offers private lessons for individuals of all ages. To set up private lessons, please reach out to her directly at barrnonetennis@gmail.com

Group Lessons
Group lessons can be set up by groups of 4 or more. For more information and to set up a group lesson, please contact barrnonetennis@gmail.com

Tennis Camps
Summer camps are a fun way for kids to really learn some great skills while having fun! Suzanne works with 4 assistant coaches and they provide a great time for all. Half and Full Day summer camps are provided. Read more here.
Summer Camps!
Here at Barrnonetennis we aim to keep the love of tennis alive by embracing those who have loved the game for years and welcoming those who are playing for the first time. We would like to say thank you to all the families and community members that have signed up for tennis lessons all year long.